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qasypeia_ @qasypeia_

I feel so empty yet I know that I’m happy things happened before. Seeing my old team members (OST) enjoying and being contended with their role right now is a huge relief. I joined them at lunch and saw that they’re doing well. Instead of guilt or fear I felt that TN is so excited that he saw me, even though I’m not so important to the Team before. Then there’s my current lead who’s very happy and jumping with joy that she hugged me while congratulating me when I told her I’m one of the awardees. Then she told me that they (she and Sir Ton) are the ones who created the write-up and nominate me. Then I saw the first person who welcomed me here in the company and she even introduced me to her Team. This day is so surreal, I’m so thankful to those hard moments seeing how everything went up. Lord, thank you for the inspiration to continue to move forward. People see me for what I am, what I am capable and what potential I have. I’m so happy everything seems to be fine. Lord, thank you for keeping me.

1 reply

Thanks no the Lord for this blessing πŸ™


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