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3am ThoughtsThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I feel sad. My heart literally feels like breaking. I don’t know what triggered it at this moment crying. I prayed Isha all while crying so much and all i wanted was for Allah to take me from this world.

8 replies

Alright, who started the divorce? You or your spouse? I can give advice based on who did what since I don’t know your situation

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I did because he abused me emotionally so no regrets on that because he showed how petty and insecure he was and his family during the divorce thing. I just feel like i did everything right and still got a shitty person as a husband. I’m traumatised for time, even thinking about marriage literally makes me nauseous. I think I am incapable of loving anyone. (it’s not that love betrayed me, there was never love. It was an arranged marriage fyi) but I just don’t think love is in my cards. Or I’m just not worthy of love.
I’m sorry for ranting. Feel free to ignore. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I can’t offer you advice for your divorce because I haven’t married at all. But what I can tell you is that you are not a failure or a disappointment. You just me the wrong person. And there will be people who miss you. I know I will if I get know you. But you have a full life ahead of you. People to meet, places to see, someone to live you for your heart, your mind, and your body. It will take time, but I believe in you.


This is so sweet. I just melted. Thankyou stranger. This is my first time writing so believe me it means a lot. ❤️


I just want the best for anyone willing to share. Sometimes you may find bad luck but I’m glad to have helped someone. I experienced heartbreak before and I was lost too

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