Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I feel regret because I haven’t been able to give much time to my friends and family lately. ive been so busy with my work, and its not even like I do it on purpose. when I come back home, I want to sit with them and have long conversations about my day, about theirs. I feel regret because I am not able to do that out of the amount od exhaustion. ive been waking up at 7 am to go to work . a two hour commute almost. then I get free at 7 pm and I am home by 9 pm. if there’s anything I want to do also, I cant do it because if I am not aseep by 11 pm, I am not able to wake up at 7 am the next day. my whole day at work becomes overshadowed by my lack of sleep and tiredness. I feel regret that something like this is taking over my personal lofe, and I cant do anything about it at all. I mean I cant leave my job right? I cant even completely abandon my family and friends. ive been just half assing everything in my life because of this now. work is being half assed and even the time i give to my family and friends is being half assed. i try my best to fuly mentally be present, but i keep zoning out and dozong off at the dining table because of work exhaustion. having panic attacks every night. I dont know what to do.

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