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i feel really bad right now. somebody, help me please!
i dont know why most of my friends treat me like this. they gave me a feeling like even i am disappeared, there is nothing happened. i admit that i did hurt them, but i just did it accidentally and i apologized to them. however, they always remember that and it’s like they hate me …
they hurt me so many times. calling me a princess bc i am not good at sport, bc of my poor health… they laughed and made fun of it. calling me a princess bc im not good at sth they are very good at. always leave me alone,refuse to help me. in many subjects, i asked them to help me, they got mad at me and shouted at me loudly “DO IT YOURSELF”… at that time, i just wanted to cry but i had to hold it back.
even when they did that to me, i didn’t get mad at them, i always keep silent and forgive them. i always help them, and never complain about sth they are bad at. even if i’m hurt, even if i cry, i just have to bear it alone and i didnt tell them how they hurt me. it’s bc im afraid of loosing them, im afraid that i will not have any friends and i will be isolated again. it broke my heart with their harsh words, and all i could do was just saying sorry. i was the first one who said sorry, everything i did just made it worse.
why am i the only one who suffer so much?
i know in their mind, i am a loser, good for nothing, annoying person. when i looked at myself, i also saw my strengths. i can play the piano, im quite good at IT subject and i can speak 3 languages .and i know i have to be stronger and optimistic. but they made me feel so small, they always look at my weak points, they think my strengths are just bc im lucky and i depend on other people. the more i try the more i fail.
i feel really lonely, please help me.

4 replies

If this Is what you’re feeling while being with them just ask yourself are they really even you’re friends! It’s ok to let go these people you are strong on your own. Until and unless you don’t get off these negative people you won’t be happy in your life.
Real friends are those who help you, they are always proud of you, the help you in growing rather pulling down.
Be patient let go off these negative people, focus on yourself keep your self busy through out the day you’ll meet new people you get new friends who are going to support you no matter what.
I hope you understand you are not lonely just stay calm and think about the people who actually care for you if you find no one it’s you you should care about yourself. You know you are good at so many things you do not need validation.
It’s life move on keep your self busy and be successful these so called friends will know worth when you stop being dependent on them.


thank u so much, your comment heals my heart


The first step to self-healing is getting rid of all the negative energy in your life. I dropped one of my toxic best friends and it took a couple of years before I found some of the best people i’ve ever met. Also, props to you for speaking 3 languages. That is unreal! I’m happy that you recognize your self-worth and since we’re in quarantine, I think this is the best time to forget those friends.


after reading these two comments, i got better alot ♡ i feel comforted. Thank u


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