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I feel pathetic. Anything that I work on always seems to be getting ruined. I keep loosing people who are close to me. It’s almost like anything I want just turns into dust. I feel horrible about myself for not doing anything about 3verything. I wish I could be more normal or more lucky to achieve what I want. But I guess that’s never going to happen.

4 replies

Be very honest with yourself? Did you give your 100% before concluding that you are the one ruining it?

If you did give 100%, and still its ruined it was never meant to be controlled.

If you didnt, and it got ruined you did not try enough.


Well, things just happen to go side ways how much ever hard I try to make things right. I can give all I have yet it’s always the same. So in this case I really believe that it’s my inclusion making things wrong and nothing else. It’s almost like I am good for nothing. I can never achieve what I want or get what I have ever dreamt of. Which I should probably be used to since that’s always the case. But I don’t know why I haven’t given up on things. I think of it daily but do not have the courage to do it.


Dont make a belief out of it. You just happen to be good at something else. Maybe thats your case. Once you make a belief that you always ruin things and all that, you lose all confidence and screw up more.
Instead be kind to yourself. Never ever lose confidence in yourself.
I lack courage everyday. But you have to just face every challenge if you want to rise.


You know what? Sometimes you read a post and it feels like it could have been you, this is just that one post. I am going through the same thing. I literally ruin everything at work, I feel like those mistakes I make could have been avoided, but I have also learnt that its okay, maybe just doubling checking everything helps. Sometimes when we work on something complex, you have to take a break and then audit again :) I hope this helps.

In terms of feeling that you keep losing people is normal these days. With the world moving so fast, we meet people, we un-know people (made up word). Not sure what your age is, but from a 30 year old single somebody, I think its fine to have just a couple of friends, maybe even 1, its all you need. You will achieve things in life if you aren’t afraid of falling.

I hope you do achieve everything in the years to come.


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