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I feel lost one again. 6 months since Papa passed away, I was just starting to be happy again. I started school and told myself i’d be more studiuos and make mg family proud.

Until yesterday we learned that Daddy, my grandfather has passed away. He was already of old age (84) but still…it hurts just the same. We’d have to go through the pain one more time. I don’t want to do anything. I just want to sleep, and maybe wake up next to Papa and Daddy :((( why is life like this for me?

5 replies

Be strong dear. I know it’s not easy, but you will get through it. It’s okay to cry. Just know that everything happen for a reason and it will gonna be okay soon. 💪💪💪❤️❤️


:((( thank u


Im sorry for your lost,if u need to talk or help just ask me,Im willing to help ppl to be happy,sometimes we just gotta let things go,its not easy,life goes on and there will be always a good thing in the end of that,


Thank u :((( i just hope that i can find myself again


It’s really sad to loose your loved one’s. But everyone has to go one day,and that’s the truth of life. You have to move onn. Be strong and do well in life. Your happiness in life will make them happy as well


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