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3am ThoughtsThought


I feel lonely at night, often when I am alone, wrapped in my blanket cuddling with my pillow. I wonder what it would be like to have someone lay by your side and listen to songs together, holding hands. It is a feeling which just sinks in everytime and gives me a huge FOMO. I often feel lonely at night, knowing how other people I know, my friends from college and school have partners with whom they spend time with and then sleep in the same bed at night, if not always then sometimes, but at least they have that chance. I don’t even have that and it sucks big time!! It gives me so much FOMO that I begin to think that maybe I am not good enough to have a partner and that’s why I feel lonely at night and I deserve to feel that way. The entire idea behind this feeling stems from the fact that I am a big time hopeless romantic who believes in fairytale love stories and in turn sets unrealistically high expectations from people, which when are not fullfilled, kills me ughhh!! -.- Technically, I know I am yet to live through the “real” phase of my life and maybe that’s the time when destiny will send someone my way who will be the one for me, but what if that’s not it and right now is the time when I am supposed to find someone but I don’t because I am not looking hard enough!!! Idk what to do and it drives me crazy!! Yes, I feel lonely at night and it is a feeling I cannot dismiss.

1 reply

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

sounds nice, connection in its simplest form is genuine and fulfilling, most the time, you’re going to get irritated to no end at the person sharing a bed with you, snores, farts, stinky, sleeps with the fan on the wrong setting, or doesnt care about turning the light on in the middle of the night to pee, quite loudly, and not put the seat back down… especially when you’re careful to be quiet and not wake because you are a courteous soul ;-) love is when you think all of that crap is cute =) things happen as they’re meant to, the harder universe’s lesson is… the more valuable you are to yourself after. It’s okay to be lonely and not like it, i’m in the same boat, its more important not to settle excitement of someone as being the key to not being lonely, that builds distasteful regret and time lost. be courageous, not naïve. Be hopeful, not desperate. and remember, this is just what brains do at night… they mean well, its supposed to motivate us for the better but we’re all kinda screwie


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