Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I feel lonely… And I feel Unfocused, I don’t know what to do.

I had a breakup recently and it has been hard.

Will I find someone who doesn’t give up on me and loves me?

I have taken a leave from work for thw next whole week and absolutely don’t know what to do in that week… I have started sleeping late again I hate that…


1 reply

Hello love and dating can be a very confusing time when you start doubting yourself also at some point . I can understand that coming out of a relationship can be very heavy and taxing on you . Yeh to focus on the positive and also give your mind time to heal . It’s absolutely normal to feel sad and lost after ending is a relationship and such feelings last anywhere from 6 months to one year. Please see professional help in case you are not able to work and focus properly so that you can ride through rough waters


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