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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I feel like shit everyday. I live in Denmark and I’ve been here for 11 years. I have so desperately tried to integrate myself and get friends but failed. My husband and I often fight these days because he cannot understand my way of expressing myself (a joke sometimes is misunderstood as something serious) and I feel so lonely because I feel alone. :-( I started seeing a psychologist however I am not sure if it feels like it’s helping. I feel lost, heavy, and just burdened by my routine and despair. I go to bed thinking often that I do not want to wake up and just go peacefully. Sometimes I have thoughts of hanging myself and feel the life leave my body. However my catholic faith is stopping me and At the same time I feel guilty for thinking this as I have a young child dependent on me. I am very tired of trying to be strong and just want to let go.

6 replies

Hey. I completely understand how you feel, don’t worry you’re not alone. It’s understandable how following a particular routine after a point can cause frustration and thereby sadness. I think you need a change as we all need a break every now and then. Break doesn’t mean suicidal thoughts, it means a simple vacation or a day out with your family or a simple dinner. In order to find ways to get better, first you need a better mind frame. And for that you need a change. Suicide is never the solution. We’re all here to help you get out of this. As far as your husband is concerned, why don’t you try talking to him about all of this. I’m sure you must’ve tried. So this time why don’t you try explaining him the intensity of the situation. I’m sure he’ll understand and you’ll be better in no time. Support of your loved ones can help you heal in a way no medicine can. Hope to hear from you soon. Take care <3


Thank you so much for your reply. I agree with the break, change mindset, and the rest will follow. I have however tried this approach so many times where I took a vacation and my mindset changes for some time and then it will come back to the same frustrating situation. I just want to accept where I am, state in life but to be in a good place mentally. This forum really helps because most of the posts comfort me in a way that I am not alone! And that I am understood. I have good days where I have the energy to change my mindset but yesterday was a real low point. How do you guys get over suicidal thoughts if you have any? Or the “dark” days? I am really curious


Hey. I’m glad you feel a lil positive today. See everyone has bad days, that’s completely normal. You just need to remind yourself every single day what all things make you happy, what all you still have in your life to succeed, so many places you still have to visit, so many memories you have to create. Count your blessings. All these things will help you get over your dark days.

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Hey!! I know how it feels… I have gone through similar phase… trust me you will over come it… you actually don’t need any friend… ur sufficient for your self… meditate… talk to new ppl… do some exercises which will make you feel better… try to attract ur husband towards you by going to him… never give up… we women are stronger… we’re never alone… there are a lot platforms online to make friends… try them… we’re with you… lots of love from India to you in Denmark 😻


Thank you! I’m so glad to hear I am not alone. I am still going thru the phase of not wanting validation from people. I am surprised to find many here who experience the same. Just keep on coming with the suggestions 🥰


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