I feel like my parents might be abusive or at least very controlling and it scares me. I love my parents but they act like I have absolutely no say in anything that happens to me. They’ve blocked all major social media on all my devices, won’t let me get a piercing until I’ve moved out entirely, don’t respect my beliefs (I’m a pagan witch and whenever I bring up a goddess my dad says “believe what you want but I believe in SCIENCE,”) call me a pig when I eat any large snack outside meals, pause my internet if I take a second too long to do something, take my phone away for weeks because I said no to them one time, constantly scream at me (including tonight, at a public restaurant, my mom screamed at me because I took too long in the bathroom and we didn’t get to take a family picture, and I started bawling in the restaurant lobby and people were staring,) won’t listen to anything I say, take away my mental health support and replace it with things that make it worse, and several other things. My dad has also grabbed my shoulders and back of my neck a couple times, and he once almost pushed me into a wall.
I love them, but I feel like I’m doing something wrong. I don’t feel loved, I feel controlled.
Sean_75 @raindrops_moon
I’m sorry to hear this, about your parents and stuffs happening in your home. Dealing with these family problems, I searched online and resulted talking to them about how you felt and what they are doing are affecting you badly. They also suggested to get a therapy to discuss about it. But I think that if you can’t really do those, maybe try talking to another adult that you trust. Maybe a teacher would be a good choice go say. Talk things out to feel better. If things get worst, don’t be scared and let your parents know you are strong. I don’t know if these things work but I would really want to help Ó-Ò
Thank you <3 I’ll try some of those :)