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3am ThoughtsThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I feel like my life was wasted I broke up with my bf and two month later he in prisn he asked me to wait for him and I did 8 years later he got out and I moved two hours away from my family 4 years after moving my life he asked me to marry him and our whole marriage was like we were room mates no sex no sleeping in the same room and now we are divorced and I’m stuck in a town that I know no one and I shut me self off from the world bc his charges was a sex offense and he was on probation from 15 years I feel like a fool and a dumb ass I just want to leave

4 replies

Tawnya Clark @tealpuppy

Did I say he moved two road away from me

Tawnya Clark @tealpuppy

It just me no family and I own the houes

Tawnya Clark @tealpuppy

No friends they all dropped me when I got with him

Tawnya Clark @tealpuppy

Yes I’m safe he not Violent hes just a sex offender


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