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I feel like I’m lacking emotional stability in my relationship right now… Me and him have been together for nearly 6 months right now but it feels like all he’s interested in is sex. We have a few moments where we’ll act normal with each other and laugh about stupid jokes or just talk. But majority of the time, he’s always trying something intimate. It’s not like I don’t want him to do that, it’s that I want him to at least be able to acknowledge my feelings about the same amount as he cares about intimacy. He’ll only care when I’m openly irritant, or sad, which is happening a lot more often now. I’m happy with him, but I feel really lonely. My depression is beginning to come back full force and I’m about to start doing SA because I’m tired of not feeling anything but sadness. The suicidal thoughts are returning too, which I really hate. But he doesn’t bother to ask me why or even notice how I’m feeling. I recently had a run-in with one of my most traumatic childhood experiences and he didn’t ask what it was or why it was bothering me. He only told me he was there for me but that was it. And I appreciate it, really, but shouldn’t he have at least questioned it? He knows how much it bothers me, but when I talk about it, he doesn’t really seem to care. And when I say anything through text about how I’m not feeling well emotionally, all he’ll say is “damn”. I’m beginning to lose hope again because I’ve been widely ignored by everyone I talk to. They talk over me, interrupt me, or sometimes just straight out ignore me. I’ve truthfully never felt more lonely even with all the people I have now…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hussain3797
12 replies

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I was molested as a child by my step father and when I told my boyfriend, he didn’t say anything. He just doesn’t seem interested. He’ll always try to make me stop talking by doing something intimate. He sometimes makes me think he’s only interested in my body rather than my true self.


I think it is time you tell him this. And take ur decision to continue or to end it. Don’t be in a relationship that drains your energy. It is not worth spnding ur life lik this. I am sure ull find someone who will live u wholeheartedly.


The thing is that I really want to be with him. But I’m really insecure. I have natural bad luck and my previous relationship was absuive in every way. I’m afraid he’s gonna hurt me too. He would never lay a hand on me, I know that, and I trust him full heartedly. But my ex cheated on me before breaking up with me with a girl who was close to both of us. And my current boyfriend’s best friend is beautiful and has the perfect body, and she’s nice… And I have dreams of him cheating on me with her. I’m also really insecure about my body. I’m not overweight, but I’m not skinny either. I’m sort of awkwardly in the middle of it… I just really wanna have hope that this relationship will last.


U can’t go on with this fear for the rest of your life. I kno it is hard. I am also in an awkward situationship with someone i really like but i have many insecurities and i jus couldn’t hold it in any longer n i told him. The only way to feel better is asking him/ talking to him everythng abt hw u feel. Trust me ull feel better. If he is the right one he will understand or uk it is time to leave

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I’m scared of being honest with him like that… Because I don’t want to hurt him. It’ll make me feel guilty…


I dnt think what ever u said or ur insecurities will hurt him. Communication is very imp in a relationship. U cnt jus hope tht the other person understands or can read ur mind without u speakkng ou


Yeah… You got a point… Okay, I’ll try talking to him

Moe @therealmoe

Hello there,

This happened to me as well.

Not everyone we love will love us back. You have to learn to love yourself. People are mean and narcissist, they will use all your energy and move on.

I hope you recover what you are going through

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hussain3797

Hussain Mandli @hussain379...

To be honest it’s pretty sad, talk to him straight and clear and even after that if he is the same then take a solid step and leave. You’re worth more than this you deserve respect and love.


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