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Profile picture for Now&Me member @adityakatenge

aditya katenge @adityakate...

I feel like I need a girl friend, because I never had one, I want to know how it feels. I need someone to talk to, I think. I don’t know man so many thoughts are running through my head, I feel scared sometimes

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jsv
Profile picture for Now&Me member @adityakatenge
9 replies

I think you need a true friend.


You need a friend who is a girl?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jsv

Blabberer @jsv

You need a girlfriend for the girlfriend experience or you want to be in love? They are not necessarily the same thing…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @adityakatenge

aditya katenge @adityakate...

I don’t know


Bruh !! Don’t search for a girlfriend just coz you’re bored and has no one to talk to … if it’s love you’re gonna find it anyways


I know what you mean

Profile picture for Now&Me member @adityakatenge

aditya katenge @adityakate...

Tell me

Sayali @sayaliii3

Why you need a girlfriend . First make friend then think about girlfriend . If you want we can talk .


Maybe first try to make some friends and then decide if you still need a girlfriend. Because it looks like you want to have a friend you could talk about everything.


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