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i feel like i just want to end my life
i’ve been dealing with stress anxiety depression for so long
my boyfriend dumped me two days ago
i really need someone to talk to

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt
25 replies

Hey! I am sorry that you’re going through this. We can talk if you are comfortable.


hii thank you so much
i feel so alone everyday


How are you?
We can talk 😊


First thing first, please do not think of ending your life… we are here to help and get you through this. If you wish you share in more detail about what exactly you’re going through?


So me and my boyfriend always fight
that’s just a normal thing for us


i have depression from my genetics
i’ve always been sad
even without any reason
i’ve attempted suicide




and 2 days ago
my boyfriend dumped me because i wasn’t giving him attention
he blocked me everywhere
and now he’s actinh like nothing happened


I hope you have sought professional help for the mentioned concerns. However, if you haven’t I strongly recommend that you seek professional help. We are always here for you.


he’s posting on his ig
he’s just having his life while i’m here crying over him
i had a friend check his story for me


Do you mind mentioning some of the reasons you frequently fight for? And how do you usually resolve these fights?


not really
i don’t have enough money for that


they are usually for really banal reasons
usually we fight because of girls or just basic disagreements which turn into big issues


Please find me on Instagram thesoulflake_ and I can help you connect with some professionals and help groups that provide free services. You deserve the peace that is meant for you. As far as your fights are concerned it looks like you both had a timid relationship (correct me if I’m wrong) and a lot of issues piling one after another.


yes that’s it actually
thank you so much i’ll follow you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

i am here to talk


hi thank you for responding

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

anytime dear
look i know breaking up is bad
but u need to stay strong and if someone leaves is for the better


thank you
i thought he was the one
and the thing is he is acting like nothing happened on social media
he blocked me everywhere

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

these are the indication that he is not meant for u
u deserve someone better
he is just a coward he have no guts to stand IN front of u blocking someone is easy


this is what i was told too
i thought he was the one
he made me feel so special and appreciated
thank you for helping me
i don’t feel alone anymore

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

if he really meant it
he wont be breaking with you and after that blocking u too
its good to see you feeling better
go out enjoy life, enjoy the freedom now


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