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I feel like I have been discarded by my closed ones, family and friends. After my break up my best friend told me I’m here for you, but was always too busy to be here for me. Late replies ignored calls or no callbacks. I feel like I’m losing everyone around me and they don’t care for it . They come only when they need something. I feel I’m the reason people leave or move away I feel like I’m losing everything I have like I’ll end up losing my mind

12 replies

When you are depressed you feel like that. Remember you are not alone. If it too hard, you can seek therapy. Its okay to do that. Remember youre not alone.

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Therapy dint help at all I did try that once


If i may ask, how old are you and by any chance are you doing your job now?


I want people to feel extremely sorry for how they’ve made me feel! All of them and that’s why I wish to run so no one could find me ever but I’m also afraid that they wouldn’t notice I was gone


I’m 25 and I have a startup that’s 2 year old and for the last 2 months that’s ever since my breakup I’m not working at all just can’t get myself to


I think everyone around me is just tired of me even I am tired of me! I asked for help but no one came through no one understood I was told that make situations in my head on purpose and create problems


Okay i hear you. Im gonna be honest with you. I really think you need therapy. Its okay if it didnt help in first attempt. Also i relate to you when you say you want others to apologize for how they made you feel and you escaping from everything while simultaneously dreading that no one might look for you.
This might sound harsh, but your healing will start only when you forgive people for what they did to you even if they didnt apologize. Dont do it for their sake but for yours. I too have been left alone and hurt and no apologies. The reason im doing better is because i think i deserve better and for that to happen i need to treat myself better first.
If anything i would like to suggest you is , go to wherever your startup is and finish off one simple task tomorrow . It could as small as just showing up to it,be it your office or your work desk at home.
Also you dont always annoy people when you ask them for help. It took me quite a lot of time to understand this. People arent always bothered. Take your time.


I’m finding it very hard to forgive people or let go I have tried so many times but I feel this rage that comes and takes over. And then people blame me if I leave! They all want to talk about how I’ve made them feel when I left or distant myself but no one understands why I did that it’s simply because they don’t care. I texted my best friend that I only fight you because you matter or else why would I and the person left me on read they always do this they tell me I fight and then blame me for keeping things


Well this is really beyond me. I feel im not the right person to help you in this case. But if this helps, i can lend you ear at times when things are not well. Does it make you feel better to vent it out to someone or not ?


I’m just losing my mind my heart feels so heavy and my life doesn’t seem to matter. Like even if I were to disappear tomorrow then i don’t think it would bother anyone as much. And that breaks my heart. I really wish to leave


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