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I feel like i have a habit of compulsively lying to my friends about my life. I switched cities cause of college so talking about my life in my own hometown is easier and hence the lies so easily just march out of my mouth. I feel so bad i swear, and the lies are mostly about my parents or relationships, i live with them and they mean the world to me. I want to tell them the truth but i am afraid they’re not gonna be friends with me anymore. What should i do ?

5 replies

I don’t know how badly it is taking a hold of your life, but there is actually a medical condition where you compulsively feel the need to lie. Don’t know if this is your case! But if you’re really worried and would really like to change this, perhaps you could go talk to someone about it?


Its not the need. Or maybe it is. Sometimes it just happens out of a reflex.


Is it because you’re scared/ashamed?


I’m not really sure i don’t know tbh


It’s okay. Don’t stress yourself anymore! Truth is always welcome but again not all deserve to know that every effing time. Reason: They judge you 100 out of 100 times. So, what’s begone…begone!

For future, try to keep silent (or divert the topic) if you don’t feel that compulsion to tell the truth. Just use this lying feature embedded in you as necessary evil and use them properly in various stages of your life. If it’s coming without a hick, you’re having lot of potential to handle. Just change the usage and get benefitted from that.

(Just another perspective)

Good luck 👍


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