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Tea @i

I feel like I failed to help my sister who’s currently suffering from depression. Like I try my best to make her feel loved but she still suffers

3 replies

It’s not your fault don’t take the guilt on the other hand u should appreciate yourself for supporting her in this period


As much as you are trying it is her responsibility also to try. Your efforts will go waste if she herself is not willing to come out of this. So talk to her and make her understand that she needs to focus on improving her mental health. You can only take the horse till the water you can’t make it drink. Don’t feel bad about anything it won’t help in this situation. Instead use this energy to help set up a cute little diary with stickers that she can write in. Try setting up therapy sessions for her. Take her out for a movie etc


No… As you know that your sister is in depression, it is more than enough… Everyone goes through this… Some gives up half way and some remains strong till the end… Don’t lose hope… You still can help her… Just be there for her and remind her that you are always there. So that when she wants to share something, she will share it to you without hesitation


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