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i feel like i don’t serve a purpose really, i used to get such decent grades in subjects and do well academically a few years ago but now especially since after a traumatic incident i had, i’ve decreased in my grades, i transferred to this school a year and a half ago and realised that their standards are so high, the majority of my classmates are high scoring students and are really smart and i just feel like i don’t belong, i’ve been trying recently to get my stuff together for school but seeing them do so well while i’m trying to regain myself just makes me lower my standards even more, i want to be high up with them as well but my self esteem is just so low and i start having intrusive thoughts

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer888
7 replies

Lara Lin19 @lara19

Okay first of all take a deep breath, second of all I want you to know that what you’re experiencing it’s perfectly normal, it’s not something you did wrong, it’s not yout fault. You have to understand that you need time for your mind and for your body, you had a traumatic accident, your full body needs to heal from that, so taking small steps to be yourself again is normal! About the new school, it’s all okay, it’s all figured out, don’t think you’re inferior to those students, it’s probably just an illusion thinking that they’re so great and you’re not, they’ve been in that school more than you, they know the enviroment, the teachers and what they want from their students, they’re not more clever than you they just are used to that enviroment and maybe they’re competitive so they try they’re best, but you’re not inferior to them you just have to spend more time there to fit in, to know the enviroment, if you’re feeling like this you may ask one of those students to study with you, you can observe him/her and try to learn from them, this will help you to get in touch with reality and find out you’re not inferior you’re just new to that school


thank you so much you don’t know how much this helps ❤

Lara Lin19 @lara19

I’m immensenly happy, you’ll be okay I know it!💗

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer888

Wanderer @wanderer888

You need to speak with your parents/ close friends first (in detail) about your fear and anxieties to overcome your trauma first. While going through the 'overcoming" phase… need to lay low a bit too, just for the high plunge again. And believe me, you can rebound well even better than before after some time. Don’t ruin your studies, anyways!

Rest, you can share your troubles here with us… anyday. Cheers!! 👍🥳


believe me, they know that my mental health is not in a good place, i’ve begged them for counselling for months until they gave me it, but the person who gave me counselling only did it once and never called back again, i did ask them what happened to the person and they said they don’t know, but last year was such a rocky road for me with anxiety, i had it so bad to the point where i thought it was a problem that needs to be assessed, i’ve had so many issues from that, from like september till december last year my sleep schedule just changed up on me and messed up my entire daily flow that i planned and now this year january i’ve fixed it up hopefully not temporary, i’ve been dealing with so much on my own its so tiring i’ve been looking for outlets and i came across this app, the people here are so amazing and i’m looking forward to staying here for a while and also giving others the best advice i could give as well ♡

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer888

Wanderer @wanderer888

Wow! Good to see your self help attitude with so many try outs. Keep it up and I’m sure you’ll find your energies again to fight back soon. Just remember, your mind is capable of anything… and so do you! Although, the tries can be many to find you in your best… you’ll attain there no matter what. A simple step of reducing your worries is much help in such situations. I’m glad that you have made the right approach already. Keep looking for help around you and don’t loose any faith on yourself, ever! Stay strong for your fight… 👍


thanks so much, you’re a really motivating person :)


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