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I feel like I always have to ask for my bf to make some time for me. He does take out time, but i feel I never it’s enough. Maybe that’s a downside of having a long distance relationship?

I just don’t want to come off as this needy person…
I somehow feel that, I even reach out to him so many times cause I might feel lonely due to the lockdown. I just don’t want to be like this, I want him to be able to live his independent life and enjoy it but at the same time still be with me. I am just tried of always talking about this:/

1 reply

That’s always an issue , it doesn’t matter if he makes time for you or not, You come before anyone else. You don’t need someone to always be there with you and entertain you. Learn to keep yourself occupied so that you don’t even feel like he’s not giving you the time and efforts. Keep yourself happy , self love comes first, before anything, and it’s very important. Find your talent, passion or hobby and pursue it. 🥰 hope it helps


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