Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought


I feel like being left out!! I am the one who always gave my best love, time to my friends!!! I did every little thing to see them happy!!! ! Now what is left for me being unvalued, people don’t care about my absence and most importantly no one to listen !!! I am going through depression!!!) I have no one to talk to!!! I always keep myself motivated so that no one will be sad around me !!! Little me didnt realise I was trying to smile while walking in fire!!! It’s painful!!! It’s hurting

Everyone took me for granted and my emotions were nothing to them !! I thought about venting out here so that I might be fine when the sun raises

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju
4 replies

Hy just cool…

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju


Thank you


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