Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I feel like an idiot. I trusted a guy who wasn’t even real to begin with. I hate believing the worst in people. The world is already filled with assholes and I didn’t believe this one to be too. It makes it hard to trust anyone. How I know if someone is lying if my own instincts cannot tell anymore? Should i just approach everyone to be lying? I don’t even know why such people exist. Someone from work told me something that I thought was a bit messed up at the time but perhaps it’s true. He said this world needed a good cleanse. A complete wipeout of the human race and to start over. Perhaps then we have a bit of hope that we can be relieved of temptation and evil that currently exists.

5 replies

Hey not everyone is shit in the world, if it is the world or the place u stay could have ended up with something else. Just make sure and take time for trusting a person


uhh i would like to write a book on that, if you don’t mind sharing all your experiences and what that guy said in detial…


Yeah… A good story can be built up with such experience. Hey post owner. Don’t get urself demotivated. There are lots of people with their own kind of stories. I hope you enjoy every story you encounter 🫂❤️❤️


Chill… it happens for all


We thought we are not good enough to get a right one. It’s true that majority of people are not serious about relationships and emotions…n sometimes it make us think that may be we are too serious…but its not…just don’t change yourself for these shits…our goodness should not rely on someone’s behavior…remember when the right one approaches you , you will be glad n thankful…n btw block that person who makes you feel so down bcoz these kindaa person doesn’t deserve us at all…


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