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3am ThoughtsThought


I feel left out of my social circle, I don’t get invited to things anymore… I brush it off like it doesn’t bother me but deep down it really does hurts. I smile and move on every day. Seems like that’s all I can do these days smile and move on.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @andrewjude
Profile picture for Now&Me member @avani2000
4 replies

My friends are done this to me . Now i enjoying my own company . I think about it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @andrewjude

Andrew Jude W @andrewjude

This happens to me almost everyday, my bffs who I have known for years avoid me, hangout without letting me know, if am out of town no information or calls or nothing, it’s alright, happens to everyone.
You’ll find amazing friends and friends who stick around till the very end are very few, select those who you think will stick till the end.


Sending you louuu💗
I can totally understand what you’re going through rn. Hope you find sm great frnds real soon.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @avani2000

MissGranger @avani2000

Been there few years ago. I literally went from having a circle of 15 to 2. I suddenly disappeared from social media due to my depression and anxiety and none of my ‘friends’ called to ask me how I was doing while I was there for them at their lowest. Heck no one remembered that I existed.

Their loss that they lost a loyal friend and I have started lowering my expectations from people.

You need a friend circle who appreciates you. If you feel left out then probably you need new friends.


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