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I feel incredibly frustrated at the lack of resources about ADHD in adulthood. There are so many adults out there that didnt have parents that would take them to a doctor or a specialist to diagnose them with ADHD, there are also people with inattentive ADHD who are just seen as lazy or forgetful and blame the symptoms on anxiety but in reality theres something there. I only see articles on how to help children but not teen students or adults who are struggling and only discover their ADHD later on in life.

4 replies

Go to a psychiatrist and get help. Thats the best you can get help. ADHD in adults is an issue.


Very true… It’s quite a struggle


Totally relatable but everyone I meet thinks being inattentive and hyperactive is due to life choices rather than ADHD being a hereditary problem.


Me too, people think it’s something only kids can have it. But that’s not the case ADHA is relevant for adults as well


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