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I feel i am not able to move on or maybe i am not able to ACCEPT the fact that its over. I am not loving anything, i am not able to laugh, whatever i do just to show my family, is superficially. Inside i feel so empty, he is figuring things out on his on, he is accepting this breakup at a bright note. I am not. I still want him to do everything the way he used to. He wont even text now, which we used to do regularly, he avoid calls because he wants to move on. That’s good for him. But i am
Just not able to accept.
How to stop expecting EVERYTHING from a person who was a BIG DEAL to you, whom i loved so much and i love him still.
I feel so empty without him. Its so hard to even see any future without him, i feel so lost like i dont even feel if i HAVE MY OWN LIFE. I feel nauseous. Whenever i try to play some sport, i feel nauseous and my stomach starts burning because with my heart so heavy, its literally hard to do anything at all.
I dont want to feel this way 😣

Profile picture for Now&Me member @angelblue
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @angelblue

ANGEL BLUE @angelblue

Dear tuesy,

I know how hard that is but you are still young and life never stops there. Maybe its hard to explain it but trust me after some amount of time he will feel the same way as you do now.All you have to do is give yourself some time to accept the fact that nothing lasts forever so doesn’t our lives. So, because of the fact that you will not live forever manage to accept every situation because it is natural. If that helps…Scientists have discovered that each person needs to go through some rough relationsships before he finds the one for him ,the other half. So keep your head up try to help yourself do some things you didn’t have time to do before and as time goes by things will get better.

Always yours, AngelBlue


Yes, its the truth.
Appreciate your words.
Thankyou so much for writing. ✨
God bless you 🌟

Profile picture for Now&Me member @angelblue

ANGEL BLUE @angelblue

My pleasure! Be safe and don’t hesitate to ask for anything I’ll be here.

Always yours, AngelBlue


I hear how painful that is through your words. I also know a bit about how that might feel because I too have been there. I struggled with that and I got through it. I know you will, too. There is hope.

You’ve exhibited great courage in taking the first step by reaching out. By explaining what you’re undergoing in detail it helps to understand the context you’re in & this is extremely important. Rejection hurts and because of that we are hesitant to enter future social -relationship situations-like in which rejection is likely. It’s a safety mechanism to protect us from turmoil.

Every person and split are different. We may have handled a prior breakup just fine, while the next one has us clutching our chest and making deals with God. One thing is for sure, the only way over it is through it.

Even in the phase you are in now, you’re still thinking about him. Let’s explore this. The below are only suggestions based on the given context as I’m not a qualified professional.

1. Respect is a two-way street and he must earn yours as well. He is neither above or beneath you but he must also learn to be respectful of your feelings as well. You are a wonderful human being and sometimes we just need to be told/reminded of this from time to time.

2. Be practical in your approach and measure to see if there are other factors that might have led to the split. If there is no scope of the relationship being recovered, then as you process your feelings… getting closure might be an important aspect as well. It is human tendency to seek closure.

3. Understanding why the relationship failed could have positive effects on future relationships. But ‘letting go’ always happens from within. Working on facing all your triggers can help to let go. It might be painful at first, but, as and when one starts associating new things with those specific triggers, they start to let go.

4. Seeking a new interest can always be helpful. When you do something that interests you, it makes you feel good about yourself and keeps you out of negative or self-deprecating thoughts.

5. After a breakup, our regular schedule feels empty without the person being in it.
Which is why one needs to go ahead and make a new one. Align with yourself, align with your feelings. Keep this schedule more focused on yourself, where you keep some time out for workout and meditation.

6. Developing empathy and realistic expectations for your recovery helps. Unchecked emotions can lead to despondency and a sense of hopelessness. Feelings of self-blame and even thoughts of self-harm are not uncommon, and professional guidance should be considered.

I hope I’ve not bored you in reading this. I’ve been thru what you’ve been thru - the betrayal, the hurt and so on. But I’m here today, fully well and completely recovered. If someone like me can do it… so can you.

We’re here for you. Incase you feel that you need professional guidance, then please check on the below link:


Thank you dear for reaching out. 🙏
Ofcourse, you didn’t bore me, i really appreciate the love and efforts from you. 🙏
I will go through these points for sure .
Stay blessed 🌟


You’re welcome… We’re here for you.


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