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3am ThoughtsThought


I feel hurt. My best friend and i fought and she said too many hurtful things to me. I understand that she was going through a lot of things as well. But projecting her own anger onto me wasn’t fair, was it? She called me self centred. What’s wrong in being self centred? I mean as long as i’m not hurting others around me. I feel hurt about the fact that it was my best friend who said those stuff to me. She is important to me and her opinions matter. I dont even know how to tell her that i feel hurt because she is just not doing good mentally. I think i will take some time and let her have her sapce too. I’m very sensitive. Little things bother me. It eats me up alive. I don’t want this friendship to end. I remember i broke a seven years of friendship with people who didn’t respect me. I feel really hurt and hollow. I wish i knew what to do. Broken friendships are the worst. Frienships are all that i have. They are an esoace from my loneliness. My safe space. Ugh. life sucks. Life really really sucks. I wish my best friend knew how much i feel hurt. I think it’s time for me to light my cigarette. I hope you don’t judge me for that. That is my way of dealing with anxiety until i find a better way. Why can’t just life be easy? I’m so doneeee. I’ll go sleep my problems away, okay byeeee.

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