Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I feel horribly lonely, I have friends who’d hang out with me if I invite them to, but none of them ever invites me out!
It hurts me to see that I’m always the only one wanting to see them, talk to them and all. They don’t seem interested in me. I don’t know what to do! Why wouldn’t any one not even once ask me out!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @oye_chinmay
Profile picture for Now&Me member @farziii
15 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @oye_chinmay

Chinmay✨ @oye_chinmay



Do you have any solutions for that?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @farziii

Ashav @farziii



Any solutions?


They’ll call you only when have any need from you

Om @i_maloner



why don’t you guys meet with each other


I don’t think we live in the same country☹


You guys have friends

just_me_express... @not_a_loved_one



which country?


I rather not say. No offense dear. Just rather keep it to myself.


no issue dear

THE SHAW @shaw22

I have been through this, if they don’t match your energy just make new friends,

Sharlette @sharlette

Well try to make them realise that they really need you


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