Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I feel extremely lost and useless. I have no specific reason to live. have been doing a job i hate bcz of no other option.
I lost my father in 2018 And now my mom passed away in April. She was the only reason for me to live. She was my hope, my everything. Now I’m orphan & all alone.
I have no genuine friends. For the sake of it I have 3 friends but they only talk to me as per their convenience. I feel like I belong no where. There is no one who understands me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @solitaire
7 replies

Hey buddy

I am so sorry for your loss. I wish I had the right words, just know I care.

Virtual hugs 🤗


Emotions mean more than words I guess. Thank you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @solitaire

Hey, I’m really extremely sorry for your loss.
Also don’t ever think that you are useless. You are amazing ❤️you can talk to me anytime if you want to. About things you want to get of your chest or even about Netflix or anything. Just feel free to reach out and I love you❤️


Thank you for being so kind. I wish I was that expressive but yes I’m trying and I think that’s an improvement. :)


Hey there…love and strength to you…but don’t feel hopeless…life is always hopeful…don’t call your helplessness your uselessness…we all are helpless this time in someway…and that orphan thing…yes may be you are but think you face this when you are self dependent (financially as well) think of those who face such situation so early in life…collect yourself and wake up with smile on your face …you are capable of being a giver to someone (not everyone is capable of that…even I’m not yet) so cherish that and use it…pratice gratitude…

Take care… god bless you


Thank you and yes I do feel my pain is nothing as compared to many others but i still am not able to get over it. Though I’m trying.


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