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I feel extremely alone. I decide on a 100 things and do nothing all day. I’m busy in my head yet I look completely idle browsing thru my phone. My parents keep scolding about how lazy I am. I have started hating evrything and the relavance of daily routine activities is going away.
I’m scared, confused and overthinking.
It feels like Im passionate about nothing.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_

See, you just have to sit down and have a talk with your self

You have to realise that right now you are relaxing on your parents expense, it’s not suppose to depress you just to make you realise that you have to work hard so that you can relax and enjoy at your own expense

And as for passion, just sit down and spend a whole day scrolling throw what options do you have and what calls you the most


It’s really hard to sit and talk to myself to be honest. I just can’t do it sometimes. Sometimes I start crying.
I am the most confused about what to do in life.
I’m scared of ending up in a life I don’t want. I love photography, design and realted stuff…and I’m somehwat gpod at it…I want other things too.
It’s hard to know what’s good for you right?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_

It is hard but it will make you cry,

But cry it out, and then sit up straight and never cry about it again
It’s hard but we can figure it out
Experiment new things, you won’t know till you try

And it’s okay to fail


You are overwhelmed due to the huge amount of tasks that you’re trying(thinking) to do at the same time.

Make a list and sort the tasks according to the amount of time they take to complete. Take on a few tasks at a time that need to be completed soon. Once the list starts getting smaller, you’ll feel a lot of relief


I think you’re right…
I’ll make a list now.


It’s okay to feel like this for some time, you can take little little step instead of making a tough daily routine. You will surely be able to meet the active version of yourself sooner !! 🌸🤍


Thanx for the support. I really needed it. We can only open up so much outside.
I’ll try taking small steps now on…


That’s great ! All the best ! Fighting 💪


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