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Carolina @roxxy

I feel empty, lost, angry.
Don’t like anything about me right now. When my nephew was murdered, they took my life too.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324
20 replies

Ohhh I am so sorry for your loss.
That’s the worst part when someone really close to you leave this world . But you have to be strong.

Carolina @roxxy

Thank you, I’m trying. He was only 16. His birthday is coming up on the 9th. 😔


That’s even more hard. I can feel you i also lost someone but to cancer and we were prepared. But going like this is really heartbreaking. Virtual hugs for you🫂

Carolina @roxxy

So sorry for your loss prayers 🙏

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

Thanks but yeah we can’t do more than praying and to be in good state mentally n physicall. I know it’s hard but That’s what they would have always wanted. To see us happy n healthy. .

Carolina @roxxy

Yes, you’re right. He called himself my medicine because I always felt great around him.


See you know right. So you have to be strong. He always wanted to see you happy. I know it’s tought to be strong in such situation but you have to be.

Carolina @roxxy

Thank you so much for your words they truly help. 🙏


Good to hear. This place is really nice. So whenever you feel low or angry or anything you can vent yourself here. So many good soul doing wonderful jobs for all of us.

Carolina @roxxy

This was my first time posting and I’m glad I reached out. Medication can only do so much.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

That’s great. This space also helped me many times. I am struggling from bipolar depression from so many years nothing help out much. But sharing here keeps me sane


Sorry that happened , may I ask wat happened

Carolina @roxxy

He was shot multiple times and left on the side of the street


Dats awful

Carolina @roxxy

Yes 😔


Sorry for your loss.

Carolina @roxxy

Thank you 🙏

This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Carolina @roxxy

Thank you very much 🙏


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