Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I feel empty. I feel lost. I feel left out. I feel desolate.
It seems that the world is all about living out loud. My ‘friends’ are out there enjoying themselves. I haven’t had a relationship in the 19 years that I’ve been alive and for some reason this gives people a lens to judge me from. I am quite happy being single; watching my shows, working out, reading books, going for morning runs, sleeping late at night- but it still feels like I am not enough. Just because I haven’t kissed someone or haven’t been on a date. Just because i haven’t travelled any where with my friends or sneaked out to go clubbing.
I am— or should I say I was— happier with just being me. But now I feel pressured to fit into this framework that society threw at my feet of how a teenage girl should be. Why can’t i just be me?

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