Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought


I feel emotionally drained. I do not have any energy left for absolutely anything in my life. I feel stuck in my life. It is hard to get up from bed on most days. I cannot sleep properly. I am unable to hold conversations and be an active listener during conversations because I feel emotionally drained. And that is proving to be a really bad thing in all my relationships. I am mostly lacking the energy and motivation to do any sort of work as i just said. Because of this, because i feel emotionally drained, i am doing not so great in academics and other projects that i take up. My days are mostly tiring even if i do not get up from bed and do absolutely nothing. There is no limit to how much i feel emotionally drained. I wish this was normal. But i know for a fact that it is not. This is so not normal. It is far away from being normal. I told my parents about it and they, as expected, took me to a doctor. I need therapy mom😭😭😭 i feel so emotionally drained that i keep zoning out even if it is an important conversation. I wish more people knew how bad it is to just stay inside your head all the damn time. It is like a cage, only that no one else can free you from it. You have to do that part yourself. They can only stay by your side throughout your struggle.

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