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Profile picture for Now&Me member @kashish07

Kashish @kashish07

I feel as if I am in the dark. There is no one there. No way to get out of there.But I want to get out of here. But how???

Profile picture for Now&Me member @gaurav90
Profile picture for Now&Me member @roshanrj
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kashish07
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @gaurav90

gaurav @gaurav90


First of all this is just a suggestion not solution.
Try to breakdown problem by reversing situation. Then act on those problem one by one.
Whenever you feel stuck try to start the day with a major change for example change in look, changing sleeping or sitting place.
To get somewhere effort is needed just be honest with the effort

Profile picture for Now&Me member @roshanrj

Roshan RJ @roshanrj


Where u have dark there u will have light just u have to fine the way its how ur going to be strong

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kashish07

Kashish @kashish07


I can’t find that lightπŸ˜”




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