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I feel alone. I have nobody to share my thoughts.

12 replies
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I feel that one of my close friend treat me differently. But I’m not asking her why. Maybe I was just over thinking these past few days.

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Is it wrong if I don’t tell my friends that I’m going somewhere with some other friends. Do I really have to inform them so that they will not get mad at me?

Tejas Chichkar @tejaschich...

Well I’m here to listen
You can talk if u want


Thank you. I’m just bothered because my friend is treating me not normally. I’m not comfortable with her presence.

Tejas Chichkar @tejaschich...

Well as by what u said
It’s the same shit I’m going through


So what happened to you and your friend?

Tejas Chichkar @tejaschich...

Well we’ll talk about it in pm plz

ARIF AF @aarif

Let’s talk dude


Thank you. I just feel that she doesn’t want me to be her close friend any more


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