Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I don’t know @thought_333

I feel alone all the time even if there is people around me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nikunj_bagaria
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nikunj_bagaria

Nikunj B. @nikunj_bagaria

All you need is to share with someone without fear of getting judged!

I don’t know @thought_333

I actually don’t have anyone

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nikunj_bagaria

Nikunj B. @nikunj_bagaria

Do u wish to connect to share? If you feel okay.

Karthik @great_whisper_2

I too feel that way … very hard to believe or trust anyone

I don’t know @thought_333

Yeah ….

Karthik @great_whisper_2

How do u deal with it ?


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