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I envy her
It’s about a person who used to be my best friend in school, but later she started keeping things from me(also lying) so, now we don’t share that kind of bond. Instead I envy her. She is doing great in academics (we had same grades in school) bt now she’s better and I’m not. She has friends, talks whenever she wants to, while I have trust issues due to her lying and hiding things from me. She has a lenient family atmosphere, so she roams around with her bf and is living life, while I am at home all the time due to lockdown, and feel empty inside.

4 replies

I think you are comparing you shouldn’t do that you are lucky enough to have life where you understood who’s with you and not. If she is not a best friend anymore leave live your own life try to work on it. Make your life beautiful if you think others are having fun you cannot have fun because you’re focus is on others
Let’s enjoy our life the fullest


I’ll try my best 😃 thanks!


Man, I really know how this feels. I have to watch my ex best friend (of a decade even though we’re only 17, then she ditched me and my sister) live the perfect life, complete with handsome rich boyfriend while I’m alone and never been on a date, she has brilliant grades but gets to go to parties, I have neither, she has a lot of friends and confidence, both of which I lack and the list goes on. The way I see it, the quote from the song “Mr Brightside” says it best “Jealousy; turning saints into the sea” which effectively means jealousy/envy corrupts good people into such a dark place they throw themselves into the sea (though that’s my interpretation) It’s difficult but I believe one day we’ll get passed it. After all, we don’t know how perfect their lives really are. 🙃


U understood me,exactlyyy …
Thanks yaar!


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