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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

I dreamt of humanity in an ideal world,
Having forgotten my inhumane address.
The problem was just that I lived in fantasy,
And my fellow residents in the actuality.
I was late to be awake and to forget my dreams,
To be brought back from rectitude to iniquity,
I now realise and totally relate to
People’s Expectations VS Reality.
~Yours truly, DK~

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee
10 replies

Sanjana @znas

i dont know why its completely relatable and deep too :(

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

It’s great to know that you could relate to it :)

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

Thank you!!☺️

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Janmesh @janmesh

It’s nice piece! Thank you for sharing it :)
Hey if you wanna share something to clear your head i’m all ears!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

Thank you for the appreciation. Since you asked, I feel like telling you the objective behind this piece of writing. So sometimes I find social media a place of toxicity, where people try to show off there “struggles” of facing the ever trending “Expectations VS Reality”, to half the people who don’t even care about it, and just act as a medium of accumulating views and likes, and that’s an opinion that’s shared by both me and my brother. So, I wrote this keeping my brother in mind, just to let people (who may agree or disagree, but at least give it a genuine read) know that my expectations are completely different from their expectations, but we all live in the same reality. It’s just that I dream of a place where no matter how good or bad people are, they never express themselves just for gaining attention, but just because their opinions matter. So I decided to step into the shoes of the famous “Expectations VS Reality”. It’s strange how differently people expect things, and how differently the reality turns out to be, despite living in the same era. So I just wanted to make sarcasm out of it through this opinionated poem. Would you like to share your opinions on the same?

Also, I’m just left speechless at your incredible contribution towards helping people by replying to their thoughts, having helped users with around 375+ replies in just 3 days!! I’m so glad that people like you exist who really care about others and want a world similar to the one I idealise! So, I really wanna extend this token of appreciation for you @janmesh !!

Janmesh @janmesh

No opinions to be shared as all the points are well covered and it’s great knowing that you think much to present in form of poem or thoughts! And thank you! I would really love to connect offsite incase you need to discuss or share anything (only if you feel safe)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

Hey, happy birthday @janmesh! Have a great day!

Janmesh @janmesh

Thank you so much😊😊
Bdw how did you know my bday?


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