Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I don’t where you are right now…
I hope you read this…
I just wanted to tell you that I love you
I will always love you because I see beyond flesh and bones…
This world is cruel I know that
There might be fault in our stars
But “I love you” this thing is carved in my conciousness, on my soul
My love for you would leave an example for this world…
This is true love… unaffected, strong, pure
We are miles apart right now you probably don’t talk about me anymore
But deep down there you miss me and I know that…
I would pray that you forget me and never shed a tear ever again…
Please love yourself girl… if you can’t, just try to see yourself through my eyes you would realise why the feeling itself was ever created
There are thousand reasons right now for us to stay apart forever, there are thousand ways in which this world is keeping us away

But I won’t give up ever…


Profile picture for Now&Me member @sneha08
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sneha08

Sneha Anand @sneha08

This is so sweet! I really hope it reaches to that person 🏵️🌈

Riya @riyadey

So lovely 🌷


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