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I don’t want to talk to my friends because last year I was a burden on them with my venting and therefore I’m not going to say anything this year. But then I guess if I can’t be real with then then they’re not really friends. Sometimes I wonder if I’m not good enough for them and if I should just not have any friends.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chandlerbing_
4 replies

I really don’t believe in keeping friendship. I don’t know my experience on friendship was always so ugly. I always preferred to choose to be alone. At the end of the day, no one stays. The more you expect from them, the more your heart breaks. So it’s better to be alone. I also know that there are so many people who are really lucky to have real friends. But I always believe , the only friend you have always is YOURSELF.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @chandlerbing_

A huge tight hug for you🫂
I wish you’ll be better later.
Please take care of yourself first…


Thank you~


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