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3am ThoughtsThought


I don’t want to end like my uncle or my father. I am tired of my family ending up in the same position generation after generations. Drunk, drugged miserable and unhappy.
I don’t really except anyone to understand this post but I can’t help but worry that I may turn out like them. I have had enough of pandits and astrologers telling me how my life will turn out. I have had enough of mind telling me that maybe somewhere, somehow astrology is telling the truth. I, purposely defy my parents’ expectations because they have so many feelings and hopes attached to me, that I tell them “might as well get used to see me disappoint you”
I have had enough of people dictating my life to me. I call crap on the entire ideology “suffer now, be happy later”
I have suffered for such a long time, and even after that I am fcking miserable. I want to take charge of my own life. Ask that person out, treat myself, and all that fun stuff
I don’t wanna suffer anymore.

2 replies

You are not like your father!! You are not like your grandfather! You are your own person and make choices on your own. You have the damn power to do whatever you want in life. Just be easy on yourself. And remember nothing is permanent, even the struggle you are going through right now!


thank you


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