I don’t want to become a statistic but I want to die.
When I come home I’m planning to chug a whole bottle of Tylenol. I just can’t do this anymore.
I’ve completely lost the ability to interact with another human being. Everyone keeps telling me to interact with the family but I literally have nothing to say. Nothing to add to the conversation. Nothing that happens in my life is enjoyable or interesting anymore. I don’t see the point in living.
Don’t bother posting the suicide hotline number in the comments or whatever. It won’t help. I don’t need to talk on the phone to some rando who is trained to pretend to care. I need to be able to live again. And I don’t think that’s possible.
No no no no hold on
Come talk to me you don’t need to do this please
I do no one actually gives a shit about me no one actually knows me
But I I will have many nightmares if you don’t listen to my words and calm down, you suffered a lot, you shouldn’t leave before you see something beautiful, it’s unfair
I understand where you’re coming from. But I hope you know there is much more life than just being confined to others. Be more to you. But even if its your decision to chug Tylenol make sure its not for someone else.
Oh dear
I can understand ur pain & I’m going through the same phase
You can’t let life win you over, ur here bx you were chosen to see this universe, the one who great you was able to create a better than you, but you were chosen, bc you’re already special
I’ve had a chance to see the universe, it doesn’t have anything to offer me, it doesn’t have any use for me
Who says that? The universe is gorgeous, and you’re the same, your existence does matter so much, the stars, the sky, the sunsets, and sunrises, the sea, you won’t be able to see any of these beautiful things, you have to be a firefighter to win, you have to choose to stay rather than letting the life beat you
Are you still there?
Let’s talk then
why do you even want to talk to me, i’m a horrible person
Because I know what it feels like to have no one by your side at ur lowest, then who says you’re horrible?
You still there??
I don’t know you but i hope you make the decision to stay
Sophrosyne @sophrosyne
Dying doesn’t solve the problem…You will leave a big void to ppl who love you… instead just live and do whatever and however you wish to be…after all life is a one time thing… don’t expect yourself to live a perfect life… coz it doesnt exist… we all battle stuff… it’s just not in open…