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I don’t usually make friends…but i have a best friend (best friend for me) i do all tha caring wala part for her I’m always there to help her whenever she needs me we were good but there is this another girl came now my bestie is ignoring me she is getting irritated by me and she is not answering my calls she talk with her all the time have fun with her but when it comes to me she gets angry…and that thing is making me sad and i don’t know why it’s hurting me
What should I do? Should I just ignore her? But i don’t have anyone else

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lavis
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lavis

I know it’s hard, but when you have expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. I suggest you don’t break your friendship and don’t stop caring; one day they will realise how amazing you are 🙂


It’s almost been a month she acts like she don’t care and that is hurting me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lavis

I don’t have answers for this, but only I can say, Hang in there, this too shall pass.

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