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I don’t understand that’s why I’m posting to understand it from other’s experiences.

Like how much extent a person could depend on other’s? Like how could you love someone who abuse you? Who ignore you? And even after all that, you prefer saying I do all this because I love them?
Like how?

If someone even say a thing about me, I have soo much of this Ego thing, ki aise kaise utha kr kuch bol diya? Abuse bht durr ki baat hai. And I’m okay saying sorry if it’s my fault, lekin just for the sake of Love I won’t do that. Or I won’t love anybody who does this to me.

So yeah, it’s question, how people can still say they love other? I really wanna understand

Profile picture for Now&Me member @true_who
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @true_who

Mayank @true_who


Firstly whenever we love someone we tend to ignore their faults mostly.In other situations (like urs) conviction nd intent of other person matters a lot. For ex.if i made a mistake,it won’t matter ki I did that! What will matter is that how much efforts I put into it to realise it nd get back upto u.Example itna relate nhi hoga but try to understand the concept behind it…but I fully agree on whatever u said abt respect…


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