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I don’t think i can tell this anyone… i was a muslim… and well taught in the religion of islam. I even converted two of my friends to islam after debating them. But now as i learned more… i kinda have left the faith… my family still thinks I’m a hardcore muslim.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lakshayprashar
2 replies

Reyad Soliman @reyad

Islam it is not a bad thing if you apply it wright you will feel you are good form inside and if your family see that you are still have islam core because islam will never remove from your body because your body comfortable with it .😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lakshayprashar

lakshay @lakshayprashar

You did absolutely correct to leave Islam my suggestion is please tell your friend to leave who converted after the debate bc it’s just a lustful fake religion


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