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I don’t really know what’s going on

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dontlosehope06
Profile picture for Now&Me member @agrani
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dontlosehope06

Neither do I. Lol


lets try to figure that out… so wht are ur current thoughts or anything bothering you


It’s like life is perfectly fine. I doing good in college, no family problems (except mommy issues but that’s no big deal), I got amazing friends and all that but still I feel like I’m lonely and there’s no one to talk to about life. I never have those deep conversations with anyone prob because my friends are all in a relationship and maybe they talk about it with their other half and since I never had anyone, I feel left out sometimes. If that makes any sense😏


Yes that make sense…I m in class 8th idk if I can help but I m facing the same situation…I just feel nothing…I m lying down here on my bed and I guess it’s okay to feel like that lol…


This completely make sense buddy🙌
I feel the same 😅 there’s no reason for me to feel lonely or blank… still I feel that. Its just at tyms we really crave for those deep conversations


😂m also lying down on bed.


I know how that feels like, but your friend loves you the same with or without the other half. They have their problems that Im sure you help them out with but they always would have time for a deep convo.
if this is not the case well find someone that feels the same or has survive through that phase.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @agrani

ash ? @agrani

Me neither…just going with everyone… hoping that I would pass 8th lol


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