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I dont really feel good… I haven’t been talking to my bf properly for weeks. He had his exams so it was fine with me but even after his exams have finished he doesnt talk to me properly (like u know the long chats). Every day he says he will talk n then leaves me on delivered and i keep waiting. This gets me to overthink situations and question myself and every time i tell him how i feel he tells me that i make him feel like a bad person. Even if i ask him to talk to me he will feel that i have too much expectations. But things dont work that day. I love him so much and really feel upset when there isn’t minimum communication between us. It feels like it doesn’t even bother him and here it is making me so upset.

4 replies

you should tell him your worries. make sure he gets it. make sure he understands that whatever he is doing is affecting you, and WILL affect your relationship


and if he still isn’t concerned … sister, time to rethink some things no?

Maupiya @maupiya

I told him but maybe he doesnt understand… He keeps doing the same thing and keeps saying he’s busy…


I dont want to leave him cz he is a good guy but only if he would understand my problems a bit and give me some time it would help my mental health too


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