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3am ThoughtsThought


i dont love you anymore, I was finally able to lock the door. I realized that loving someone doesn’t have to hurt and i shouldn’t spend the nights up spinning around im circles wondering if i’m enough. I knew i couldn’t help it but i got tired of waiting, i don’t wanna love someone who doesn’t feel the same, the thought of it makes me go insane.
it took me a year and a few new friends to realize life doesn’t have to be that way, that my best years are still yet to come and it’s never too late to move on. i’m tired of being sad, i don’t wanna cry to sad songs that all sound the same, i don’t wanna be in pain. Today i think i can finally say; I’m okay.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @themonk
16 replies
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thank you <3


yaaaaay !!!

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @themonk

Deep @themonk

Good luck for new life and new version of yourself ☺️


Thank youu🤍 i’m also excited for what life ahead of me has to offer :) i’m happier than i’ve been in a really long time.

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @themonk

Deep @themonk

It really needs too much courage to except the truth and move on in life…
Idk when I’m gonna have that much courage 😶

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You’ll have it someday, it takes time but little by little as you go through daily life you become a stronger and better person as long as you have the will to do so, things like courage which is what you need for change to happen come slowly. Live life one day at a time and you’ll get there. I’m not where i want to be yet, there’s a lot i still have to work on but i can finally see myself getting closer and closer to that happiness that for the longest time i thought i was never gonna be able to reach. Life works out in ur favor sometimes when u least expect it and the fact that nothing lasts forever is a good thing.

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @themonk

Deep @themonk

5 years… but i believe I’ll do it someday…

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Secret @randomsaduser

wow, it’s as if I’m reading my own words.
Took me a year to start to move on, a couple new friends, they’re so sweet 🌻 i met one of them here on this app.
Such a difficult year it has been,the heart feels so so heavy when going through all of this right? We keep crying and crying for months, a year for me, and they don’t even bother to come check on us.

Coming out of a 3.5 year relationship, i feel i know exactly how you’re feeling. Let’s talk please?


I’m glad what you could relate to what i said. It’s so hard to move on sometimes, specially when you’ve loved so hard you thought you’d never be able to let go. Friends are the best in these kinds of scenarios sometimes, real friends. I used to always crave love from people cuz i was afraid of being alone, i needed somebody else to be my everything that made me so afraid of what others thought of me, i’d do anything just to not be left alone not realizing most of my relationships were one sided but when i found good friends that loved me and supported me in the same way i would with them, i felt better, i no longer cared bc i knew i wasnt alone anymore. I met people that made me love myself more and have the courage to do thinks i never thought i could. Yeah sure let’s connect.

Crimzn Pixel2 @crimzngod6

I have gone through this recently and I can tell how hard it is to do so. More power to you dear.🤗


thank you so much 🥺

Crimzn Pixel2 @crimzngod6

Also you can talk to me whenever u want, I am always here to help.


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