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I don’t like birthday and aniversary. I don’t like to have such days not only mine but for othes too. Its very difficult for me to go to them n eish them. I dont know it takes so much of efforts. I have to think 1000s times. Practice in my head what to say, fake smile etc. Why this happens with me. I see people excited for others birthday but i am never.
Even i don’t like my birthday. I feel all the attention for a day is so fake. With birthday wishes comes few taunts and free advice… “When will you get married?”
Etc…Y ideal birthday would be spending a day alone at a place where nobody know me. Keeping phone off to not get any calls.
Is this normal. Do u also have similar likings?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @darkstar
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @darkstar

That’s so similar to me! I am just used to wave a birthday wish to my family not even a hand shake (especially on my birthday), I feel it very unhygienic. But with friends I do have to give a hand shake. Thanks to the Pandemic! Now I won’t have to do it 😜. I don’t feel these kinds of days something ‘out of the world’ as some souls do, it’s something like on my last birthday evening, one of my friends texted me, “hey, how’s birthday?” And this was the time I was reading my favorite book and I was disturbed. My answer would have surely stunned her after which she didn’t text me for that day. It read, “Just like one more day near to death… Rip”


Ya me too … I don’t like my own birthday to celebrate but like to celebrate other’s birthday…I think its not a big deal its your own way or wish to live your life…so don’t think too much about it…


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