Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I don’t know you anymore yet I kept longing for what we used to have not realizing that, that you and me from back then are long gone. We are trying to bring back to life something that di+ed long ago. We’ll never be how we used to and i struggle to accept that. To accept that,t that “you” I used to know doesn’t exist anymore just like how the memories of me that you hold have nothing to do with the person I am today. It’s been almost a decade already, it’s useless to work things out now, it’s too late. Maybe we should just move on and accept that we were meant to break instead of forcing for a story that already had an ending to continue. We are forcing it too much right now, every conversation we have about it makes it more awkward between us but we can’t ignore the elephant in the room either, it’s too big to pretend we don’t see it. I was foolish for thinking this would ever work out, I was excited about it and now i feel disappointed, the time we spend together is just so underwhelming and I keep getting this feeling that I’m talking to a stranger I can’t seem to get close to. I want to get to know you but Idk if it’s you or it’s me, actually it’s probably me, but someone has their walls up and neither of us knows how to trespass that wall. I thought I’d be great bc i remember having a lot of fun with you but now that, that isn’t you anymore, i think the most we can ever be rn is acquaintances.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia
10 replies



heyyy…your words are justt omg…but are you okay dear?


Yeah It’s alright, It hurts a bit but i guess that’s what life is about. I’ve never been good with changes and I can’t seem to ever accept things not working out the way I plan them to but i tried my best, if it’s now working by now it never will. I thought I still could fix it but i guess i was wrong. Sometimes I still wonder if it’s just that we are doing something wrong, if there’s still hope for us to be like we used to so i keep trying but maybe that isn’t fair for either of us. Maybe letting go and giving up isn’t always so bad. It’s just that I have a bad experience with that. In the past I’ve been a coward, not strong enough to hold on, I’ve also been selfish and I’ve let go of the person I cared for the most. I didn’t want to make that same mistake again but i think this is different, rn moving on is actually the right thing.


yes you are right…do you wanna connect and talk about it in more detail only of you want?..bcuz i wanna listen to you💕

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

ahh, I guess I could talk about it more if it doesn’t bother you haha. Thank you so much for being so nice and willing to listen to me. I’ll send u a message if I can bc I’m on my laptop and not too sure how it works here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

okay, i can’t lol it says to download the app :/


ofcrs im willing to listen…:)


ohhh:( thats sad…well you can talk here thou❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

wait i might download the app, if i can.


Which app?


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