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Profile picture for Now&Me member @april121

April Knight @april121

I donโ€™t know why iโ€™m so insecure about myself I wish I could feel good about myself but I feel like from kids picking on me but now that I know that there is only one person that will always be there for me is me so I need to love myself we all need to love our self because we are the only ones that will be there for us is us. I also know that we can love others but we need to love the people that are true to us and that will never leave our side because there will be good people out here who will be true to u.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @april121
3 replies

Yeah we need to love ourselves first, and there is always someone who would go to any extent to keep you happy! Finding these kind of people might not be easy, and if you have them, then never let them go, at any cost!!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @april121

April Knight @april121


that is so true n my friends say that im the type of friend that they dont want to ever let go of


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