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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

I dont know why i am feeling down often.Totally feeling tired in thinking about me. I dont know whether i am honest to myself or not. I want to be honest to myself. But i couldnt. Its like in my life i have to hid my feelings and live. During few times i feel like i am corpse of no feelings. Did i do wrong in interseted in men! … Why cannot our society simply accept it for it as it. I feel i am being coward not following feeling and cheating myself to make my loved ones happy to extreme. I am feeling uncomfortable being like this. Even my i am not sure that my friends will accept me for what i am!. …i am totally fed up in myself.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07


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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

The same i told above…couldnt stay clam

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

I want to the person i want to be. If i like men i should lead life as it. But my family and friends couldnt accept it. And i am so scared to share them i am interseted in men

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

Not at all… But whenever they hear smthg abt it they all feel disgusted. But i dont know what is there to he disgusted.😒😒😒😒

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07


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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

Dude… I am damn sure i am .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

Dude… Really i dont know how to explain them. Even i had a love with a boy and even it ended in sorrow due to this. I am dying literally daily…

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

Thanks dude… To giving me some comfident. Thinking of this i am literally gone mad and always this thought could rule my mind. I mever felt disappointed in myself for being like this. But thinking in sense of telling my family and friends i couldnt guess them. How they are gng to act?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

Sure i will try to confess the feeling…

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

I have a lot ton to focus. But always why does always love overshades everything and makes us weak.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

Yea you are right. Love is loving urself and make it first pirority. Maybe as you said, my love can be wrong in any side.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

Yeah you are correct. Because i always perfer others happy over mine.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

Yes. You are right… I accept you…but i will try to makee happy.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

Yeah i always used to smile😊😊

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

Sure❤ and thanks a lot


dude, I’m straight, upper cast, financially backed, a perfect sample of a male specimen of Indian society. I should not have any problems given the number of blessings I have.

And yet, I’ve been inside out and upside down for a long long time and I don’t even care anymore to talk about it.

Thing is, society will always find a way to make things difficult for you.

I understand you must e going through a lot and it’s not easy to find closure with society standing against you.

Idk if this will help you but I just wanna suggest you be strategic and smart with what you share about yourself with the people around you when you’re not in a position to overcome their disagreement towards it.

Its complicated so giving an example, suppose I wasn’t straight. So I wouldn’t give a thought about breaking it to my friends or family. I will just give it a try, explore and be confident first about my sexuality. Eventually, when things are clear in my head and I have prepared a few answers to the obvious questions I’m gonna be asked, Ill break it to my inner circle and then keep on expanding it.

The thing about being honest to others and making them happy with your life, its bullshit.

This world has been an unfair world to everyone since the beginning and it’ll be unfair to you too. Nobody gets everything.

Idk if its helpful or not, but wish you all the luck and support, dude.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

Thanks dude… Really a great words… I am confident in myself. I am damn sure with my feelings. I am type of person who will think abt smthg if only i am confident abt it. You guys nearly understood me. But wen ever i tried… Let me give u a example…
I told my friends. That i saw a bl series . they gave me awful look. I suddenly changed that i saw it first few eposide thn i got to know it…so i skipped it.
Dude i never feel worried or ashamed to be like this. I am like this bcoz i give every shit to my feelings.

I was dare enough to tell my family abt me during my realationship. But to my fate it didnt everlast. It just fade without reasons. It made me more worse.
Dude i never give shit to society ,bcoz they will forget if other news established. But all i worry is abt my family.
And i am india, neaely side cultural city and i am person of family one. I couldnt dare to tell them.

I agree with u that i am bullshit by retarding my happiness for others. But those are my loved ones.

Let me what is next for me in this? But i always try myself to let them know it and always keep on reharsaling like an idiot. for how to create a situvation to tell them and all stuffs. I am giving this my whole shit… Being totally tired dude.


Man. I wish I could resonate with what you’re going through, but I’m actually not. I’m sorry that you have to go through this. You deserve better. I’ve laid down everything I can think of that might help you.

I know that the LGBTQ community is pretty strong in the country and I do know a few people with whom you could actually talk to and maybe it will be helpful to you. If you want, I can share their email ids with you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

Thanks…dude…i am glad to get their emails.


Hey I don’t wanna put his email id publically, and I don’t ee any texting platform here, so if I can have any point of contact of yours, I will share it there. Just an email id would do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamblind07

I am blind @iamblind07

Sure… You are also correct dude.


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